Year in the Life: Telling the Story of Your Family’s Year

You know kids grow up and life changes in the blink of an eye. Do you plan on making a family photobook every year so you can capture those memories but just never get around to it?

This is where I come in. I want to document your days for an entire year and give you something tangible that you can hold in your hands at the end, something that you would grab and save in a fire.

I would love to be your family historian.

A mom walks with her daughter down an aisle in Carrefour in Taipei, Taiwan.
A little girl plays at a park in Taipei, Taiwan with her brother on a zipline behind her.
A mother and daughter dance in a living room in Taipei, Taiwan.
A little girl walks on grass on a field in a park in Taipei, Taiwan.
A man looks up at his wife holding their newborn baby with love in his eyes. They're standing on a balcony in Taipei, Taiwan.

Why a year in the life and not a single session?

Single sessions are a great way to tell your family’s story and don’t require as big of a commitment. However, there are reasons why you might decide that a Year in the Life plan is the kind of storytelling that works best for your family:

  • You’re about to have a baby and it’s important to you to document your child’s first year.

  • You’re only in Taiwan for a year and you want to make sure the story of your family’s time here is on record.

  • You like the idea of documenting an entire year of your family’s life so you can look back at how your kids grew and changed during that time, plus you can capture moments from different times of the day and different times of the year.

  • You get a family historian (that’s me!) on retainer, but you don’t have to pay for it all at once.

  • The Year in the Life plan ends up being cheaper than the single sessions, plus you get a nice family photobook at the end of the year!

Year in the Life Plans

  • A little boy plays with cars on a window ledge in his apartment in Taipei, Taiwan.


    2-hour session every other month for a year. (6 total)

    Includes gallery of edited images after every session. (digital download)

    Receive a hardcover photobook that tells the story of your family’s year at the end of 12 months.

  • A little boy peeks out from behind the bathroom door in an apartment in Taipei, Taiwan.


    2-hour session each season for a year. (4 total)

    Includes gallery of edited images after every session. (digital download)

    Receive a hardcover photobook that tells the story of your family’s year at the end of 12 months.